I printed off the free template that Alicia over at "A Magical Childhood" had posted and cut out on sticky paper these disguises for the boys. They had a blast! We were listening (randomly) to "You've Got to Pick A Pocket" from the Oliver! soundtrack. They LOVE that song! lol Got some great picks, great memories. :)
Well, night one of my new mission to bring joy to my children and vice-versa didn't go so well. Jack has what I like to refer to as a "listening problem". At any rate, I'm going to keep trying... Did you wish me luck yet? I feel like I could use it.... :)
So, my friend Katie posted this entry from "A Magical Childhood", which is a blog that gives fun/creative tips and activities to do with your children. It was a total wake up call for me. It reminded me that my children need to be my priority and more importantly, my JOY! I find myself far too often becoming irritated with the boys and their goofy ways. Of course there are valid irritations, like the fact that they pick on eachother like cats and dogs... But the thing I never considered before is that I may really be able to help bring them more joy (which may help with the fighting...). I was really humbled and a little saddened by this realization, but the good news IS that I can change my lazy, short-tempered ways and create an environment of discovery, creativity, love and pure joy for my babies.
I'm excited to start a new adventure and give me and my boys memories that will last a lifetime! Wish me luck!!!
I'm excited to start a new adventure and give me and my boys memories that will last a lifetime! Wish me luck!!!