
Working, virtually

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Hi guys! It's been awhile, I know.  I've been busy wrapping things up at work and contemplating my next professional move.  This is my last full week at work and potentially my last week, period.  If you ask me, they could have cut me on Monday but they're being nice enough to let me work one more week.  I suspect this is intentional...


Making Me-Time

Thursday, September 28, 2017
Good morning! I feel so bad for my husband sometimes.  Our schedule is such that it's easier for us to get going in the morning; get the kids ready for school, coffee made, breakfast, dogs walked, etc. that I don't get "ready" until after Jack and Daniel have left.  They leave at 7:15am, while Dylan doesn't have to be to school till 7:30am,...


Update on my Kitchen pipe leak!

Tuesday, September 05, 2017
Hi all! So my wonderful mother in law made the cutest little curtain for my garden window in the kitchen.  She even climbed up onto the kitchen counter to help fluff! She's the best ♥ The colors tie in perfectly and it covers up the gawd-awful top of the garden window.  It's double paned glass so moisture has gotten in between over the...


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