
I'm alive!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What? It's only been 6 months since my last post...  Okay, yeah it's been awhile.  Mostly it's because I became the only person in my office at work and got super busy.  And also I'm lazy.

I actually got a case of social media overload too.  I've recently deleted Facebook from my phone which has helped me be more present at home (sad to say).  Sad that I wasn't more present before not that I have to be present now. LOL  Anyway, I recommend it.  Positive change, personal growth, yay!  Daniel (hubby) was very shocked and excited that I deleted Candy Crush also. 

Last progress blog post (titled "6 Months Later..." fitting) I was writing about my Master Bath improvements and posted some "before" pics.  I will take pictures tonight, I promise!  We painted, did our baseboards, and hung curtains and a valance.  There are 2 pieces of art I still need to hang but you'll get the idea.  ;)  I love it.  Didn't spend a ton of money either which is a nice bonus.

Still have yet to do our kitchen backsplash and recently started landscaping our front yard which has been a dirt lot for the past few months.  To say we have project A.D.D. is an understatement. Haha

Here's a "before" pic of the yard back in all it's grassy glory *sigh*:

And here is the current state:

 It's hard to tell from the pictures but there were Hydrangeas in front of the porch but they kept getting scorched to death.  So we pulled those out awhile ago and put 3 rose bushes in instead.  Which yield these beauties:

Anyhoo, that is basically what's been going on with us.  I'll post again sooner rather than later next time.

Ta-ta for now!
♥ Holly ♥ 

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