The Holidays Made Me Do It...

Monday, November 28, 2016

Would you believe...?

Hi there.  Well, so much for my amazing 30 day challenge.  I fell off the wagon and into a bottle of wine.  LOL  It would appear that I can only last 2 weeks maximum on any "challenge" now.  I'm not happy about it, but on the good-job-Holly side of things I only had 1 piece of pizza this whole month! Which, if you know me, is quite an accomplishment. *pats self on back*

My Pacer app mocks me daily with helpful little comments like, "You haven't logged your weight in awhile" and "You really need to get your fat-ass to the gym".  Okay, so the second one isn't true, but it feels true...  Stupid app.

In an effort to collect swag from all the gyms in Southern California I signed up for yet another one last night.  Planet Fitness.  I get a t-shirt for signing up. Daniel wants to get back into shape so we're going to start going to the gym together.  If he's not into it, then I don't get into it.  It's hard to stay motivated alone.  #truth  It is for me anyway.

That's all I got for now.  We did install baseboards in our bedroom finally.  We haven't had baseboards since we put in the new flooring, 11 years ago...  And you wouldn't think they'd make a big difference but they do!  I love them and I wonder why we didn't do them years ago.  Better late than never, right?

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and have a great week!

♥ Holly ♥

***UPDATE*** (5 hours later)
I've been thinking about this post and realized that I took a very flippant attitude about giving up on my goals.  I don't like it.  I'm actually quite disappointed in myself.  I'm sitting here thinking about how terrible my skin is right now, how overweight I've allowed myself to become and it's got me down.  My only hope is that I can start again (going to the gym tonight will help) and give it another go.  Back on the aforementioned wagon! 

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