
Pallet art!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Hello everybody!
     I hope y'all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  I sure did.

Last week I got the urge to try some pallet art.  Thank you, Pinterest.  Luckily for me, my work uses pallets and we just happened to have a few out back that were damaged so they let me take one.  Score!  The one I chose had 5 usable boards, which were a pain in the ankle to take apart.  I say pain in the ankle because that's what was injured in the board removal process.  Dan was hammering the boards to get them off the pallet and I was bracing it from the other side... in flip flops... and bam! the board flew off and got me right in the ankle.  You can't say I don't suffer for my art, I've got the bruises to prove it. ;)  Anyhoo, he finally got all the boards off.

I did a light sand with our electric sander because these guys were quite splintery let me tell ya.  Then I slapped on some white paint to give it a white-washed look.

Easy peasy.  I like the nail holes, I think it gives it character.  So then I hand wrote out the phrase I wanted, which of course, I got from Pinterest.  I wrote it with a grey sharpie because I figured it was light enough to paint over if I messed up... which I did. lol  After that I painted over the sharpie with the same navy blue paint I painted our front door with.

Happened to have a small, long board on our side yard which Daniel cut into two pieces to attach the boards together.

I stole these picture hangers from a frame we had that we don't hang. Yay free hardware!
Here's the space before my art was hung...

Big ol' blank wall.

Drum roll please......

I'm in looooove with it!  Not only was it free, but I get the supreme satisfaction and pride knowing that I made it.  What did we do before Pinterest I ask you?  I love DIY projects.  My living room/dining room are decorated mostly with things I made or re did.  All the framed photos we have are ones I took as well. 

I'm sure Daniel was expecting that pallet to live in our garage for months like so many projects I have waiting in the wings.  I have a medicine cabinet in the back of my car that I picked up for free from the RE-Store.  Not sure what I'm gonna do with that just yet.  So I'm especially glad that I knocked this project right out. ;)  

Can't wait to paint that piano...  But I'm thinking that'll be a surprise project when Daniel's outta town for work. That project won't be free either since I have to buy paint and some new brushes.

Have a great week!

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