
Weekend happenings

Monday, September 30, 2013


This is really just a filler post.  I did squat this weekend, project wise.  Well, that's not entirely true, I did finish my 3rd pelmet box for the windows in the living room.  I must confess that I am having a hard time keeping them up.  I really need to just sew the Velcro to the box and that should solve the problem.  The glue isn't working very well.  I'll figure it out though! ;) 

While I didn't do much for projects I did clean out two of my kitchen drawers that I call the "art drawers".  Really just a fancy name for junk drawers. lol  I got a whole grocery bag of trash outta them.

Never mind the wine in the back...
Does it make me a terrible mother that I don't keep absolutely every piece of artwork or paper award my children have received?  I still have a whole drawer full of crap  things they've made, just to prove that I love everything they do. ;)

Ah, much better. 
 After I finished, which I didn't photograph, I had a whole empty drawer left over.  My guess is it will become another junk drawer in no time. lol

While I was cleaning, I came across the design board I made for the living room before I started any decorating.

 The only thing that has stayed the same is the Chevron ottoman, which I'm still in love with.  The general color scheme is relatively similar except the bright coral buffet that I did.  I totally didn't think I'd go with the coral craze when I started out, but I love how my buffet turned out.

I still have a wingback chair that I need to re-cover that I purchased at a swap meet for $10.  Here's why I'm not in a rush to put some beautiful new fabric on it (besides the cost of course, dang fabric is expensive!).

Saki's cookie munching chair.  Luckily I got that pillow on clearance at Target for $5.
The dogs swear I bought this chair and made the ottoman for them to eat their biscuit's on.  The chair is really a disgrace in it's current state and my attempts to "hide" the ugly under a few blankets is pathetic really.  Oh well, it will get re-covered eventually and I'll try to diligently keep the dogs off of it.  "Try" being the operative word...  

Hope you all had a great weekend.  My Denver Broncos kicked butt per usual.  Woot! ;)
Happy Monday!

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