The Princess Bride (Mind Blowing Facts)

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Hi there!

So I recently got Amazon Prime and it includes a bunch of free Kindle books, which is super cool for a nerd like me who loves to read.  Yesterday I got a notification on my phone that The Princess Bride by William Goldman was available for free.  Fun!  I love the movie so I was excited to read the book, which I thought was originally by S. Morganstern (as it states in the movie).

Come to find out that it is all a lie. LOL  S. Morganstern is actually a pseudonym used by Goldman.  In his book he even goes so far as to claim that the estate of S. Morganstern is fighting him in his quest to pen the sequel, Buttercup's Baby.  Lies, lies, lies.  There is no estate because he does not in fact exist.  He details a trip with his grandson to the Morganstern Museum in Florin, none of which exist. And so on and so forth.

It's really quite brilliant, albeit a trifle disappointing, what he's achieved here.  I totally bought that Florin was a real city and that all the details from The Princess Bride were historical fact.  His "forwards" at the beginning of the book and its subsequent anniversary releases are all a part of the fantasy.

I never would have known any of this had I not begun to read the book and get engrossed in his tales.  It led me to research all of this and discover the truth.  Kind of fun in the end.  Anyway, I just wanted to share because it was so fascinating to me and I thought some of my friends would find it interesting as well.

The End.
♥ Holly ♥

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