Making Me-Time

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Good morning!

I feel so bad for my husband sometimes.  Our schedule is such that it's easier for us to get going in the morning; get the kids ready for school, coffee made, breakfast, dogs walked, etc. that I don't get "ready" until after Jack and Daniel have left.  They leave at 7:15am, while Dylan doesn't have to be to school till 7:30am, and it's right up the street.  I don't have to be to work till 8am and that's also a short drive.  So I drop Dylan off and come home to shower and do my hair, etc.  I don't often make time to do my makeup on a regular day, regardless of time.  I work in a very small office with about 2 people and I just don't care what they think. lol

The reason I feel bad for Daniel is because I didn't realize just how terrible I looked this morning till he was already gone. Dang it!

Here is the image of me I expect he left with:

I look like Beaker from The Muppets. (Mee, mee, mee!)
  I was so terrified by my own appearance that I took a little extra time to put on makeup after my hair was done.  I was so incredibly horrified, in fact, that I even shaved my legs. *GASP*

Not a total Betty, but a vast improvement.

I don't have a problem getting ready, per se... but I do have trouble making time to get ready.  I'd really rather sleep that extra 20-30 minutes, let's be honest.  I need to start waking up earlier and JUST DO IT.  (Sidebar: I'm getting my hair done in two weeks and going darker. It's just way too blonde now.)

I really blame my parents, come to think of it.  No offense, but my mom never really got dolled up a whole lot... she did childcare from our home so why would she?  (Not me!)  And we were always pretty lazy.  Some days we didn't even get out of our pajamas.  I come from a family of night owls so getting up early, something I now do every day, was never a necessity or priority.  When Daniel and I were first dating he'd call the house at noon and I'd still be in bed!  *Shudder*

So I think it's fair to say I'm much better than I used to be.  Now my internal alarm gets me up at 6am on the weekends!  So unfair.

Anyhoo, I just thought I'd share my real and give y'all a chuckle today.  I really am going to try harder to get up earlier and just get ready.  Maybe my trade-off can be laying down those few minutes before I have to get to work.  We'll see.

Yay, it's almost Friday! Have a great rest of your week and a wonderful weekend! 

♥ Holly ♥

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