Shame report... with a silver lining.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Friday! Yahoo for a week of paid vacation!  Beyond excited.  So that means I won't be posting any blog entries till at least July 9th when I get back to work.  No computer at home. :(  But anyhoo.... about that shame report...

An act of God made me binge eat Thursday night.  It was out of my control, I swear!  Ladies... you know what I'm talkin' bout.  I started off okay.  6 inch tuna sandwich on wheat from Subway,  I get it plain too, but immediately after it was consumed I was starving again!  So I went home and made myself a jack cheese quesadilla using one whole wheat tortilla.  Again, not soooo bad.  Then I had a piece of pizza.  And honestly it was tiny too but yeah, eating all three together... That was a problem.  In the vein of honesty, I'll admit that it had a seriously bad effect on my weight.  Last night I weighed in at... oh God I really don't want to tell you... *sigh* 137!!!!!  Gah!!! Talk about a shame spiral!  This morning I was back down to 133, thank the Lord.  So today I am being strict.  We did work out last night and I rode my bike to work today for the 3rd time this week.  Our parents are coming over tonight for dinner to celebrate my birthday.  I'm having chicken and by God,  I will not have cake and ice cream.  So at this point it doesn't look like I'll reach my goal of being under 130 by 30.  I'd have to lose 3 lbs by tomorrow morning.  I guess it could  happen, but I'm not getting my hopes up.  The good news is we're just over halfway done with our 90 day challenge so I'm confident I can reach the mid 120's by the end.  I just gotta get back into gear.  Beast mode. ;) 

Meanwhile! (Sorry, I'm excited) I posted this pic yesterday on my Facebook page for Throwback Thursday.

Prom, junior year, 16 years old
That dress is a size four and I still have it.  (I was hoping to have a daughter to pass it down to but that didn't happen)  Out of curiosity I tried it on this morning and guess what!  It fits!!!

Didn't do my prom hair or makeup obvs ;)
I think it looks even better now, in fact, since I have curves!  Now I just need to find an opportunity to wear it out somewhere.  Anyone throwing a gala? LOL

Have a wonderful weekend and 4th of July everyone!
See ya!

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