Summer already. No?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy hump day y'all!
     OMG the weather was so nice yesterday and here I was cooped up in an office all day. *sadface*  Anyhoo, I went to Home Depot after work and picked up some supplies for my next small project which involves more front door appeal addition with the following items:

I'm gonna do the planting tonight.  I can't wait to get that Charlie Brown lookin' Ficus outta there.  Don't worry though, we'll be planting it in the backyard.  Jack and Dylan were so concerned for Charlie Brown.  I never realized they were so attached! lol  I told Jack (7) my plan in the car and mentioned the re-planting and he said, "Phew. I thought you were going to just get rid of the tree and throw it out and kill it." Awwwwwe.  I'll be sure to post the pics after I'm finished.  Ooh, I forgot to take a pic of the sweet kick-plate I got for the door. Well you'll see it in the "after" pic.

Meanwhile! Check out the rad wooden bowl I snagged at the REstore!  God, I love that store.  This baby cost me $2.50. Our fruit has never looked better. ;)

And finally, my Pinteresting find of the day!  I'd seen on Pinterest that you could just flip your toaster on it's side to do grilled cheese or whatever.  Welp, I tried it out on my garlic toast to melt the butter and seasonings together and it worked like a charm. :D

Now I realize this could also be accomplished with a toaster oven but we were sick of looking at ours so it's away in the pantry and kind of a pain in the butt to get in and out of there. #lazypeopleproblems

Have a great rest of your week people!
Love ya!

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